My teaching philosophy is grounded in social constructivism, focusing on situated learning, leveraging technology-enhanced cognitive tools, and cognitive apprenticeship models. I actively apply these principles to my undergraduate and graduate-level teaching in face-to-face and online courses as well as mentoring relationships with graduate students in research groups.
Higher Ed
Instructor of Record
Fall 2023 – Present
TEAC 856L Instructional Systems Design
TEAC 880B Foundations of Instructional Technology
TEAC 882J Computer Science (CS) & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education in K-20
TEAC 259A Instructional Technology in Elementary Schools
Instructor of Record &
Teaching Assistant
2019 – 2020
W210 Introduction to K-12 Computing, CS, & Technology Integration
Instructor of Record | Fall 2019
Designed a technology integration course curriculum [Syllabus]
Taught basic programming skills with HTML, CSS, & Scratch
Taught how to incorporate computational thinking in diverse disciplines (e.g., English, Science, Math)
Guided students to develop a website for classroom management
Examples of student work: Scratch application for learning rock cycle in earth science
R521 Instructional Design & Development
Teaching Assistant | Fall 2020
Designed tasks for collaborative argumentation based on Ertmer, P. A., Quinn, J. A., & Glazewski, K. D. (2019).
Developed video tutorials for case-based learning using graphic organizer authoring tools
Facilitated weekly online discussions and provided feedback
W220 Computer Science (CS) & Programming in K-12 Classrooms
Teaching Assistant | Spring 2019
Assisted in student assignment evaluation
Mentored students in Python & Scratch program development
W200 Teaching with Computers
Codesigner | Fall 2019
Co-developed technology integration curriculum for pre-service teachers
Childs Elementary School
Instructional Assistant
Facilitated 6th-grade class for PBL-integrated CS lessons & after-school robotics club
Developed learning materials (e.g., planning worksheets, instructional guide)
Developed instructional materials
Jackson Creek Middle School
Instructional Assistant
Provided individualized scaffolding to students at the after-school coding club
Coached students for making interactive games using a visual programming language
Yatap Elem. School
Full-time Teacher
Created and implemented problem-based modules for interdisciplinary learning
Authored 3rd-grade social studies textbooks, Our Village, Seong-nam (2017, 2018)
Led a professional development community for teachers and mentored newly appointed teachers
Institute for the Gifted Ed.
Program Coordinator & Instructor
Launched a multidisciplinary approach for the gifted education program
Utilized coding, 3D modeling and printing, augmented reality, and drones in teaching computing and STEM
Awarded with the Best Lecturer for Gifted Education from the Provincial Office of Education (2015).
Girl Scouts
Executive Officer &
Troop Leader
Organized summer camps and science festivals
Exemplary Leadership Award, Girl Scouts of Korea (2016)