
My teaching philosophy is grounded in social constructivism, focusing on situated learning, leveraging technology-enhanced cognitive tools, and cognitive apprenticeship models. I actively apply these principles to my undergraduate and graduate-level teaching in face-to-face and online courses as well as mentoring relationships with graduate students in research groups.

Higher Ed

Instructor of Record
Fall 2023 Present

TEAC 856L Instructional Systems Design

TEAC 880B Foundations of Instructional Technology

TEAC 882J Computer Science (CS) & Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education in K-20

TEAC 259A Instructional Technology in Elementary Schools

Instructor of Record &
Teaching Assistant
2019 2020

W210 Introduction to K-12 Computing, CS, & Technology Integration

R521 Instructional Design & Development

W220 Computer Science (CS) & Programming in K-12 Classrooms

W200 Teaching with Computers


Childs Elementary School

Instructional  Assistant

Jackson Creek Middle School

Instructional Assistant

Yatap Elem. School

Full-time Teacher

Institute for the Gifted Ed.

Program Coordinator & Instructor

Girl Scouts

Executive Officer &
Troop Leader